We are thrilled that you have accepted God’s plan for your life by placing your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
As part of our desire to help you get established in your new faith and experience the joy of growing spiritually we would like to send you a very helpful booklet with a few key ideas about what exactly happened the moments you first believed.
If you have rededicated your life to Christ and desire to walk with Him then we want to encourage you as well. Welcome back to your best possible life with the Savior. The days ahead promise to be very exciting and we can’t wait to help you get started.
God has made many promises to His children and among them are several important Assurances that will encourage and guide you not just in the days ahead but for the rest of your life.
Among these are:
- Assurance of Salvation – 1 John 5:11-12
- Assurance of Answered Prayer – John 16:24
- Assurance of Victory over Sin – 1 Corinthians 10:13
- Assurance of Forgiveness – 1 John 1:9
- Assurance of Guidance – Proverbs 3:5-6
If you included your postal mailing address on the Decision Card it would be a pleasure to forward some helpful information your way within the next couple of days. It will look similar to the image here. (Sorry, we can only ship these within the lower 48 states except in specific cases).
In the meantime, feel free to use the Contact information on our website to reach out to us if you’d like to connect sooner.
The Three E’s
We would consider it a privilege to meet you. Please join us this Sunday so together we can:
- Explain the miracle that happened when you put your faith in Christ.
- Explore the depths of God’s love for us all. We’ll learn together.
- Express our love through Worship for Him who saves us.
Additionally, important things that will help you get started include:
FELLOWSHIP: You will obviously have lots of questions about your new life in Christ. Let’s try to answer them together. Join us this Sunday if you can or find a Church near you that believes the Scriptures and serves God.
Check our website or call us for times and locations.
If you don’t live in our community we will be happy to suggest a like-minded Church near you based on the information you provided on your Decision Card. Just let us know when we contact you.
SHARE: Share with others the joy of your decision to accept Christ.
THE WORD: Find a Bible and begin reading it daily to learn about who God is and what He desires of you. We suggest starting with the Gospel of John in the New Testament.
PRAY! Talk to God throughout the day. Your conversations with God don’t need to be formal or at any set time. A “prayerful attitude” allows you to keep God uppermost in your heart and mind.
We want to keep you in our prayers and help you grow in your faith. We’re very excited to hear from you and look forward to meeting you someday soon. If not here then certainly in heaven.
Wishing you all the best as one of God’s newest children.
The Staff and Congregation